#Run! There is nothing like #running

Running is a form of exercise that doesn’t require much investment and also burns more calories than other cardiovascular exercises.

Woman-jogging-jpgIf you’re a novice runner, here are a few tips that will have you running miles without much difficulty

Start slow and gradual
Usually, when people decide to take up running as a form of exercise, they start running for a long period of time instead to starting slow and gradually increasing the duration. This leads to them getting burnt out and quitting soon. If you tend to overdo something, you come to a saturation point when you can’t workout anymore. So avoid focusing on the distance you’re covering, instead focus on the movement. Moreover, you can also incorporate run/walk intervals to help increase your cardiovascular endurance. For example, walk briskly for two minutes, run for one minute and repeat.

Use the right technique
Developing the right technique is of utmost importance. Run lightly on your feet and use your butt and abdominals for movement. Warm up with functional movements such as squats, lunges and jumping jacks. Once the warm up is done, you can do a little bit of stretching of your hips, hamstrings and calves. This will help you run with extra effort.

Wear proper footwear
Wearing the right kind of footwear is very essential when you start running. For this, you can go to a footwear store that specialises in sports footwear. Be cautious while purchasing your pair of sport shoes because if you end up making a wrong choice you can end up with an injury or a twisted ankle. So see to it that your shoes are not only comfortable but also give you a great grip.

Vary your routine
This is one tip every fitness trainer would surely give you. Cross training and varying routines keeps your joints from injuries due to overuse. You can add some sport activities like badminton, swimming and elliptical workout to your routine; anything that doesn’t replicate running. Moreover, varying routines also has another benefit – it helps you lose weight faster. Do not get your body used to one specific exercise.

Have your friends joining you
When it comes to running, you need not have a partner who’s equally skilled or has great stamina. Everyone is welcome. So if you’re bored running alone, you can ask your group of friends to join you. This will not only motivate you but you’ll also become a regular at it. On days you don’t feel like stepping outside home, your friends will motivate you and make you stick to the routine.

7 super #ways you won’t have #breast #cancer

Here are 7 ways to reduce your risk of developing breast cancer!

Breast-cancer-jpgIn the last 25 years, the incidence of breast cancer among Indian women has risen.

According to information available on the Tata Memorial Hospital’s website worldwide, breast cancer is the most common of all cancers and is the leading cause of cancer deaths. In fact, a recent study of breast cancer risk in India revealed that one in 28 women develops breast cancer during her lifetime. This is higher in urban areas (one in 22) compared to rural areas, where the risk is lower at one in 60 women.

But there is no single cause, says Lester Barr, breast cancer surgeon and chairman of the UK-based charity Genesis Breast Cancer Prevention. “Breast cancer is caused by the interplay of your genes, the environment you live in and lifestyle factors.” In addition to going for mandatory screenings and tests, you can make lifestyle changes to lower your risk.

1. Do house work: Experts say that being active reduces a woman’s risk of breast cancer. Exercise reduces the number of fat cells, which are responsible for the release of hormones such as oestrogen and testosterone. It is these fat cells that are thought to encourage tumour growth. Eluned Hughes, head of public health at UK’s Breakthrough Breast Cancer, says, women should aim for 30 minutes of moderate physical activity a day. This can reduce breast cancer risk by at least 20 per cent. Anything that gets your heart rate up and leaves you feeling a bit out of breath will do, so tackle every day chores like dusting the house with gusto.

2. Breastfeed your baby: Women who breast-feed for a year over their lifetime, not necessarily continuously, are five per cent less likely to develop breast cancer than those who don’t breast-feed at all, an analysis of cancer statistics by the World Cancer Research Fund found. The longer a woman breast-feeds, the lower her chances of getting the disease. It’s thought that breast-feeding lowers the levels of cancer-related hormones in the mother’s blood. When breast-feeding ends, the body gets rid of damaged cells that could turn cancerous.

3. Drink less booze: Regularly drinking alcohol increases your risk of developing breast cancer and the more drinks you have each day, the greater your risk will be,” says Highes. Try simple measures to reduce how much you drink. Have one glass instead of two, enjoy alcohol-free nights and drink from smaller wine glasses to reduce your units.

4. Curtail night shifts: Women who work at least three night shifts a week for six years or more are twice as likely to develop breast cancer, Danish researchers claim. But more research needs to be done. UK’s Health and Safety Executive has commissioned a study that is due to be published in 2015 and should help find more answers.

However, docs say it’s not clear if it’s the unhealthy behaviour caused by working night shifts, like eating poorly and being inactive, that’s the possible cause, rather than the shift work itself. Women, therefore, need to think about their overall lifestyle, whatever hours they work.

5. Reduce cholesterol: Women who take statins (drugs that lower cholesterol levels) for more than a decade face doubling the risk of developing invasive ductal carcinoma, or IDC, the most common type of breast cancer, according to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. While studies suggest the short-term use of statins appears to have a protective effect against breast cancer, in the long run, statins may damage certain chemical pathways that lead to the growth of tumours. However, do not stop taking statins without consulting the doctor.

6. Avoid unhealthy chemicals: Don’t use canned food and drinks and don’t microwave food in plastic containers, warns nutritionist, Conner Middelmann-Whitney. They contain chemicals that behave like oestrogens, increasing breast cancer risk. High temperature barbecuing, grilling or frying meat can trigger the production of acrylamide that also increase cancer risk so try to cook meat gently and make an effort to avoid preserved meats as well.

7. Step out in the sun: Natural sunlight is the best way of increasing stores of vitamin D, which can lower your risk of breast cancer, say Canadian researchers. Laboratory tests suggest breast cells can convert vitamin D to a hormone that has anti-cancer properties. This advice should, however, be balanced against the risk of developing skin cancer from sun exposure.

#Kidney #disease is a #ticking #timebomb

Here are some alarming statistics about various ailments in India:

Times-Article-advt-1 in 10 individuals are suffering from some form of Kidney Disease – 1 in 7 are suffering from Diabetes – 1 in 5 are suffering from High BP -50 per cent of Kidney diseases are due to Diabetes & Hypertension.

Truly, we are sitting on a ticking timebomb about to explode.

Kidney failure is increasingly seen as Chronic Kidney disease (CKD) & is soon becoming an epidemic. Most people tend to view Kidney disease in isolation. They think it can be cured by medicines and in the very long term it can be controlled or managed by dialysis.

What most of them don’t realise is the fact that kidney failure or CKD ( Chronic Kidney Disease ) is not just a result but also a symptom for various other serious diseases. CKD could cause Chronic Heart Disease. This happens because in a patient with weak kidneys, the heart has to pump more and is stressed more. This can result in Heart Attacks and other complications.

Tragically, CKD is no longer restricted to urban society it’s prevalence is almost the same in rural India The social implication of advanced CKD or ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease):
ESRD is a devastating medical, social & economic problem for patients & their families. In India a large number of these patients are young and are the sole bread winner of their family. In one study it was calculate that 63 per cent of these patients were supported by charity, 26 per cent received loans, 34 per cent sold assets, land etc. or combined these 3 resources to obtain treatment and barely 5 per cent could afford treatment on their own. Thus India cannot afford treatment of ESRD.

Can we change this scenario?
The answer is a resounding Yes! – It can happen only by prevention of Kidney disease. We know that the common causes of CKD in India are as follows: 1.Diabetes 2.High BP 3.Over the counter use of painkillers & various drugs, chemicals, bhasmas, etc. which damage the Kidneys. 4.Chronic infections in the Kidney. 5.Stones damaging the Kidney 6.Congenital disease of Kidney, like polycystic Kidneys.

Majority of these causes are preventable or controllable
Primary Prevention: Patient Education 1.He has to be informed that Diabetes & BP need lifelong care, control & follow up with doctors 2.Once the BP or sugar is controlled with drugs, drugs should not be stopped as this control is due to medicines and has not occurred naturally. 3.Drugs may have a few side effects, but the illness has life threatening implications, so one should be more scared of the disease than its medication. 4.Kidney disease is a silent killer and will have no symptoms & hence regular health checkup every year is required for detection of CKD. 5.Simple and inexpensive tests of BP, Blood Sugar, Urine Routine and Serum Creatinine can detect Diabetes, BP & CKD & should be done at least in high risk patients.

Secondary prevention: 1.Having diagnosed to have high BP, diabetes or CKD, you need lifelong care & follow up with doctors 2.Once you have Protein leakage or mild Kidney Disease then Diet control, Lifestyle changes & certain medications like ACE inhibitors or ARBs can control or slow down the progress of Kidney Disease & delay or avoid dialysis.

Contributed by:

Dr. Umesh Khanna MD,DNB (Nephro) Nephrologist & Chairman Mumbai Kidney Foundation

#Diet #rich in #nuts, #beans cuts #diabetes #risk

A diet rich in nuts, beans and lentils have been found effective in lowering blood sugar levels in people with Type 2 diabetes, according to a new study.


The study led by researchers from St Michael’s Hospital and the University of Toronto have found that a diet high in low-glycemic foods improved both diabetes control and cardiovascular risk factors. The study was conducted over 210 patients with type 2 diabetes, who were randomly assigned to receive 1 of the 2 diet treatments for 6 months.

In the low-glycemic index diet, the following foods were emphasised: beans, peas, lentils, nuts, pasta, rice boiled briefly and low-glycemic index breads (including pumpernickel, rye pita, and quinoa and flaxseed) and breakfast cereals (including large flake oatmeal and oat bran).

In the high-cereal fibre diet, participants were advised to take the ‘brown’ option (whole grain breads; whole grain breakfast cereals; brown rice; potatoes with skins; and whole wheat bread, crackers, and breakfast cereals). Three servings of fruit and five servings of vegetables were encouraged on both treatments.

The researchers found that haemoglobin A1c tested to measure the blood glucose level significantly decreased by in the low-glycemic index diet compared with high-cereal fibre diet. Those in the low-glycemic group also saw an increase in their high-density lipoprotein (HDL or ‘good’) cholesterol of 1.7 mg/dL, compared to an HDL decrease of 0.2 mg/dL in the high-cereal-fibre group.

“Lowering the glycemic index of the diet improved glycemic control and risk factors for coronary heart disease (CHD),” said the authors. “Low-glycemic index diets may be useful as part of the strategy to improve glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes taking antihyperglycemic medications,” they added.

#Foods that help #sleep better

The meal you choose tonight could mean the difference between counting sheep and getting some serious shut-eye. So order the salmon.


There are certain nutrients in salmon, as well as in beans, yogurt, and spinach that help you sleep better.

The healthy fats in this fish (namely docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA for short) may boost levels of the sleep-regulating hormone melatonin.

Beans and other legumes provide a nice sampling of B vitamins, including B6, B12, and folic acid, all of which help the body regulate sleep cycles and produce relaxing serotonin. In fact, studies have shown that boosting B vitamins may help people with insomnia.

Low-fat yogurt
Yogurt is a good source of calcium and magnesium – two important sleep-supporting minerals that together help you fall asleep faster and ratchet up your deep-sleep time. And skimping on both may lead to muscle cramps, higher stress levels, and worse sleep.

Dark leafy greens are a great source of iron – a nutrient that may help protect against the sleep robber known as restless legs syndrome.

#Dieters need good #sleep to #fight #fat

Getting too little sleep might prevent dieters from losing body fat, according to a small U.S. study.

good-sleep-jpgThe study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, adds to evidence that sleep habits play a role in weight regulation and suggest people embarking on a weight-loss plan may want to make sure they are catching enough shut-eye each night.

The study included 10 overweight men and women who lived in a sleep lab for two separate two-week periods. During both periods they followed the same calorie-restricted diet but for one period, the participants slept for 8.5 hours per night, while during the other they got 5.5 hours. Researchers from the University of Chicago found the dieters lost the same amount of weight under both conditions — just under 7 pounds, on average.

But during the sleep-restricted period, they mainly lost muscle rather than fat. When participants got 8.5 hours of sleep, more than half of their weight loss came from shedding fat. But when they got 5.5 hours of sleep, only one-quarter of their weight loss came from fat — translating to a 55 per cent reduction in fat loss. The majority of their weight loss came from lean body tissue, which refers to muscle and any other body tissue that is not fat.

“So they lost the same amount of weight, but the composition was different,” said researcher Dr. Plamen Penev, an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Chicago. Penev said successful dieters always shed a certain amount of muscle but wanted to limit that loss in favor of shedding fat.

The study, however, has a number of limitations. Besides its small size, it also looked only at short-term weight loss. More research is needed to see how sleep duration might affect dieters’ body composition over time, Penev said. Penev said it was also unclear how well these findings from a tightly controlled sleep-lab setting might fit the “real world.” A number of studies have found self-described “short sleepers” — typically defined as those who get less than 6 hours of sleep each night — tend to weigh more or gain more weight over time than people who get more sleep.

Lab studies have suggested sleep loss may alter people’s levels of the “hunger hormones” leptin and ghrelin. Leptin is secreted by fat cells; low blood levels of the hormone promote hunger, while increases tell the brain that body is full and encourage calorie burning. Ghrelin is secreted by the stomach to boost appetite.

Penev’s study (http://link.reuters.com/kaf82n) found that under sleep-restricted condition, participants reported greater hunger during the day compared with the 8-hour sleep condition even though they consumed the same number of calories during both periods. They also had higher blood levels of acylated ghrelin, one form of the appetite-boosting hormone. Penev said there wsa no one-size-fits-all prescription for sleep and more studies are needed in real-world settings.

Some #sinful but very #nutritious #snacks

Here are some surprising contenders that have been given a thumbs up by nutritionists.

Peanut-butter-spread-jpgOrganic and natural food products are bursting with nutrients and anti-oxidants. But then so are some sinful snacks! Read on..

Cheddar cheese
Apart from being a good source of calcium, “It is also a good source of phosphorous for strong teeth and bones and even promotes brain tissue in growing children,” says sports dietician Deepshikha Agarwal. The zinc content is good for skin, immunity and fertility, riboflavin and Vitamin B12 for energy and Vitamin A for healthy skin and eyes. A cube after a meal will neutralise the acids in your mouth and increase saliva production that helps prevent tooth decay. But its high fat content means you can’t go overboard, says Deepshikha.

Peanut butter
This one is amongst the richest sources of heart-healthy mono-unsaturated fats. Low in saturated fat, it is an excellent source of protein and fibre which is good for bowel health, and also contains folate that can protect against colon cancer and heart disease. In fact, Harvard Medical School researchers recently reported that snacking on peanut butter five days a week can nearly halve the risk of a heart attack.
Plus, these health benefits seem to occur without also promoting weight gain – researchers found that people eat less after a snack of peanut butter compared with other snacks.

Catherine Collins, chief dietician at St George’s hospital in London, says, “A small serving of popcorn is equivalent to one daily portion of brown rice.” Agrees Dr Nupur Krishnan, a nutritionist, and adds, “Popcorn contains more fibre by weight than sunflower seeds, keeping you feeling fuller for longer, as well as balancing your blood sugar levels that helps cut down cravings for sweet snacks. You can enjoy it as long as it’s not loaded with too much salt or caramel. However, she adds, due to its high Glycemic Index (GI), obese and diabetic people should avoid snacking on popcorn.

Chocolate and hazelnut spread
These contains lecithin, a soy extract that is high in protein, calcium and iron, that protects bones, and helps you feel full for longer, says dietician Dr Sonia Kakar. “It’s also lower in calories than many jams, is lower-GI for slower-release energy.” The anti-oxidants in cocoa help balance blood pressure and reduce blood clotting. And hazelnuts are an excellent source of heart-healthy polyunsaturated and mono-unsaturated fats, Vitamin E that boosts immunity and B vitamins that improves mood. The potassium, calcium and magnesium help maintain a healthy blood pressure. But a word of caution. “As it’s high in sugar and fat, intake should be moderated,” says Dr Kakar.

#Discover the #magic of #mushrooms

Mushrooms not only taste good but also a great source of healthy food.


Remember those stories of mushrooms making somebody big or playing shields against the dreaded monsters. So, if diseases are considered as monsters then you know how to deal with them. The answer is simple: Enjoy your share of mushrooms. Mushrooms are full of proteins, vitamins and minerals, amino acids, anti-biotic and anti-oxidants. From pizzas, pastas to omelettes, mushrooms can really add taste to a dish.

The health benefits of mushroom include the following:

B Vitamins are vital for turning food (carbohydrates) into fuel (glucose), which the body burns to produce energy. They also help the body metabolize fats and protein. Mushrooms contain loads of vitamin B2 and vitamin B3.

Mushrooms have zero cholesterol, fats and very low carbohydrates. The fiber and certain enzymes in them also help lower cholesterol level. The high lean protein content in mushrooms helps burn cholesterol when they are digested.

Mushrooms can be an ideal low energy diet for diabetics. They have no fats, no cholesterol, very low carbohydrates, high proteins, vitamins and minerals, a lot of water and fiber. Moreover, they contain natural insulin and enzymes which help breaking down of sugar or starch of the food.

Ergothioneine, a powerful anti oxidant present in mushrooms is very effective in giving protection from free radicals as well as boosting up immunity. Mushrooms contain natural antibiotics (similar to penicillin, which itself is extracted from mushrooms) which check microbial and other fungal infections.

Mushrooms are the only vegetable and the second known source (after cod liver oil) to contain vitamin-D in edible form. They are rich in calcium (good for bones), iron (cures anemia), potassium ( good for lowering blood pressure) and selenium. The best source of selenium is animal proteins. So, mushrooms can be the best choice for vegetarians to obtain selenium.

#Health #benefits of #spring #onions

Spring onions add great nutritive and taste value to a dish and can be used in different ways.


Spring onions were grown in Chinese gardens 5000 years ago! Do you know the onion bulb was worshipped as the symbol of the universe by ancient Egyptians? Nutritionally, green onions have a combination of the benefits of onions and greens. They are an excellent source of vitamin K and vitamin C, and a very good source of vitamin A too.

Spring onions can be added to dal and make it a much tastier dish. Similarly, you can add it to vegetables like cauliflower and potatoes and it will make an excellent dish. Mushrooms go very well with spring onions and interestingly spring onions can be added to soy nuggets while making a Chinese dish. Spring onions are used in salads as the flavor tends to be milder than other onions. It is used widely in oriental food both as an ingredient and as a garnish.

Spring onion is a nutritious plant, and therefore it provides a host of health benefits to us. It is a rich source of vitamins and minerals which aids in curing the various ailments. It is seen to have helped in reducing the harmful impacts of various diseases.

Some of the health benefits of spring onions are as follows:
– Spring onion lowers the blood sugar level.
– It is a support against gastrointestinal problems.
– It is often used as a medicine for common cold.
– It is used as an appetizer as it helps digestion.
– It speeds up the level of blood circulation in the body.

#Benefiting from whole #grains

If the new buzz word in health corridors is to be believed, then ‘brown’ is the new ‘healthy’. By brown, we mean whole grains.


Health experts recommend whole grains while advising us to stay away from eating white (read: White bread, white pasta, white grits, white couscous, and white rice). But, why whole grains? What is so magical about them? To answer all this and more, today we have with us Dr. Amitabh Pandit, Orthomolecular nutrition expert and author of BJAIN book – Super Foods – Make Your Child a Genius. He gives us his expert insight on how and why one must benefit from whole grains.

Different kinds of whole grains and how they are beneficial.Grains are essential part of a healthy diet. Grains and whole grains come in different shape and sizes. They are good sources of carbohydrates and some key vitamins and minerals. Whole grains are unrefined grains, without bran, whose germs are removed by milling. The refined grains are milled, in which a fine texture is given to extend their shelf life. White rice, white flour, white bread are a few examples. Enriched grains are those grains, which are enriched by vitamins and minerals.

Understanding the concept of refined grains. As refined grains are treated during processing, they lose their nutrients and vitamins. Therefore, whole grains are recommended instead of refined grains, as refined grains have many sub standards like excessive starchiness, use of chemicals to bleach, use of colours for colouring and majorly imbalanced nutritive values.

Is my 100% whole wheat bread whole grain? This purely depends on the manufacturing process of the bread maker. In some countries, definitely yes, it is available and in same cases in India too.

Note that while white whole wheat bread might look and taste like white bread, it has most probably the same nutritional ingredients as in a regular whole grain or whole wheat bread. White whole wheat bread includes albino which is a variety of wheat with a much sweeter and milder flavour. Make sure that when you are buying regular whole wheat bread its label mentions red wheat which is a dark in colour wheat and a slightly sour taste.

How do I know if a product is made with whole grains? First, check the label on the package. Products mentioned as Organic or Multigrain cannot be whole grain. Be aware of what types of whole grains are available in the market. Some whole grains are made of barley while others are made of buckwheat, whole wheat, oatmeal, millet and barley.

Do make sure that you read labels before buying any of the whole grain products.Ideally, whole grain products should have multi grain, rye, whole wheat, pumpernickel. Never believe the fake marketing gimmicks of whole grain products when they say ‘made with whole wheat’ as these products are often refined. As mentioned above, check for the ingredients and also keep an eye on the percentage of the whole grain in the product.

Top strategies to get whole grain in your daily diet. Switch to brown bread and rice from white bread and rice. Include popcorn, oat meal in your diet. Have whole wheat pasta & pizzas instead of regular ones. No Indian meal is complete without having one or two chappatis. Try and incorporate whole grains in your chappatis. Prepare them from whole wheat, bajra, jowar, and Ragi for maximum health benefits instead of flour.

Explaining the calorie-controlled benefits of whole grains. Whole grains are very useful in losing weight, as the foods that are high in carbohydrates are lower in calories. The fiber and protein in whole grains helps to regulate blood sugar, which increase satiety and delay the return of hunger. You won’t need to worry about calories in your diet, when consuming whole grains, as whole grain products are always efficient in calorie control. All health experts suggest brown rice, brown bread and other whole grain products for controlling weight.